The XXII International Workshop High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
June 24– July 1, 2015
Samara, Russia

H.Yanping |
Higgs boson results from ATLAS |
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M. Flechl |
Higgs boson discovery and recent results (CMS) |
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arXiv:1510.01924 |
B. Akgun |
Resent results of the CMS experiment |
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Contribution |
I. Ginzburg |
Multi-Higgs models. Perspectives for identification of a wide set of models in future experiments at colliders in the SM-like scenario. |
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Contribution |
M. Dyndal |
SM measurements with ATLAS |
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Contribution |
L. Dudko |
Electroweak top quark production |
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D. Gorbunov |
ShiP experiment at CERN SPS |
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I. Volobuev |
Theories with large extra dimensions and their experimental consequences |
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A. Chernyaev |
Nuclear and physical technologies in medicine |
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M. Sachwitz |
Status of XFEL project |
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Š. Kunc |
OSQAR experiment |
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D. Melikhov |
Two puzzles in the beauty sector of QCD |
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S. Olsen |
History of Belle and Some of Its most Important Results |
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Contribution |
arXiv:1601.01061 |
G. Pakhlova |
Physics Prospects at Belle-II |
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A. Dzyuba |
Recent results from LHCb |
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D. Meloni |
Recent developments in Neutrino Physics |
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Contribution |
arXiv:1601.06929 |
L. Plazak |
The ATLAS hadronic calorimeter at the LHC and the phase II upgrade program |
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Contribution |
R. Falla |
Exotic searches with ATLAS |
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Contribution |
E. Hill |
SUSY searches with ATLAS |
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Contribution |
E. Tassi |
Measurement of the structure of the proton at HERA |
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B. Arbuzov |
Upgraded LHC experiments as a check of a would-be approach to the calculation of the SM fundamental parameters |
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Contribution |
G. Pasztor |
Overview of recent ATLAS results and preparation of Run-2 |
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Contribution |
arXiv:1602.01536 |
E. Kryshen |
Overview of recent ALICE results |
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S. Vaurynovich |
Latest Physics Results from the AMS Experiment |
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L. Gladilin |
Measurement of perturbative QCD and hadronic final states at HERA |
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R. Bartek |
Searches for BSM physics with CMS |
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V. Saleev |
QCD at high energy in the Parton Reggeization Approach |
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I. Lokhtin |
Phenomenology of multi-hadron and jet production in heavy ion collisions at the LHC |
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E. Zhemchugov |
Double Higgs production at LHC in the Standard Model extended with an isosinglet |
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S. Godunov |
Double Higgs boson production with isotripet scalars |
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K. Svirina |
Higgs boson-radion similarity and some differences in production processes involving off-shell fermions |
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Contribution |
V. Bunichev |
Phenomenological aspects of Higgs-radion mixing |
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E. Petrova |
The post-Higgs MSSM scenario |
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Contribution |
I. Sobolev |
Sgoldstino physics and flavor-violating Higgs boson decays |
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A. Gurskaya |
Higgs bosons in NMSSM with CP-violation |
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Contribution |
M. Dolgopolov |
Extremal properties of the extended Higgs sector |
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E. Rykova |
Vacuum stability and phase transitions in the NMSSM finite-temperature Higgs potential |
V. Egorov |
Higgs field as the Goldberger-Wise field |
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Contribution |
I. Ginzburg |
2HDM in terms of observable quantities and problems of renormalization |
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Contribution |
D. Gorbunov |
LHC and models with antibaryonic dark matter |
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Contribution |
V. Beylin |
Dark matter carriers from vector-like technicolor model |
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Contribution |
M. Smolyakov |
Reproducing the Standard Model in 5D brane worlds |
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S.Vernov |
Renormalization-group inflationary scenarios confronted with recent observation data |
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I. Kirpichnikov |
Baryogenesis in non-minimal split supersymmetry model |
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L. Massa |
Top physics results with ATLAS |
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Contribution |
I. Myagkov |
Limits on anomalous FCNC couplings in single-top-quark events in the CMS experiment |
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G. Vorotnikov |
Limits on anomalous Wtb couplings in single top-quark events in the CMS experiment |
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A. Baskakov |
Single top quark production in heavy ion collisions at the LHC |
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L. Jenkovszky |
Diffraction dissociation at the LHC |
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K. Shchelina |
Jet-gap-jet events at CMS |
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P. Volkov |
Status of MTCA Slow Control development at CMS |
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Contribution |
A. Berezhnoy |
Associated production of Υ and open charm at LHC |
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L. Gladilin |
Fragmentation fractions of heavy quarks |
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S. Serednyakov |
Proton and kaon time-like form factors from Babar |
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Contribution |
M. Misheva |
The NA62 experiment - Results from 2014 Pilot Run |
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A. Shipilova |
Pair correlations in particle and jet production at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach |
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M. Nefedov |
Diphoton hadroproduction at the NLO* level in the Parton Reggeization Approach |
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S. Baranov |
Associated WD production at the LHC and prospects to observe double parton interactions |
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Contribution |
M. Malyshev |
Inclusive Higgs boson production at LHC within the kT-factorization approach |
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Contribution |
E. Davydova |
The MSU neutrino group activity in neutrino telescope projects |
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A. Biryukov, Ya. Degtyarova |
Influence of long-range interactions on the critical temperature of the Ising model phase transitio |
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Contribution |
A. Biryukov |
The equations of quantum theory in the space of random joint events |
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E. Bashkirov |
Entanglement between atoms succesively passing a thermal cavity |
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N. Nikitin |
Time-dependent Bell inequalities in a Wigner form |
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A. Gorokhov |
V.A. Fock's discovery of "hidden" O(4) symmetry of the H-atom and dynamical group theory |
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A. Grigoriev |
Surface states of ultra-cold neutrons above liquid helium |
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M. Mastyugin |
Entanglement for two qubits interacting with a thermal field |
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V. Kuksa |
Complex-mass definition and the hypothesis of continuous mass |
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Contribution |
M. Bezuglov |
Dark matter from vector-like Technicolor |
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Contribution |
N. Volchanskiy |
Effects of higher spin bosons in elastic electron-nucleon scattering |
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Contribution |
V. Sorokin |
Hyperfine structure of P-states in muonic deuterium |
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Contribution |
R. Faustov, A.A. Krutov, A. Martynenko, G. Martynenko |
Theory of the Lamb Shift in Muonic Helium Ions |
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Contribution |
A. Biryukov, M. Shleenkov |
The Feynman Vernon influence functional approach in QED |
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A.F. Krutov, R. Polezhaev, V.Troitsky |
Radiative decays V -> P γ* in the instant form of relativistic quantum mechanics. |
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Contribution |
A.F. Krutov, R. Polezhaev, V.Troitsky |
Static electromagnetic moments of the ρ-meson in the instant form of relativistic quantum mechanics |
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Contribution |
A. Kozachuk |
Weak annihilation in rare radiative decays of B-mesons |
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Contribution |
U. Ozdem |
Isovector axial vector and pseudoscalar transition form factors of ∆ in QCD |
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Contribution |
M. Matveev |
Exotic mesons as diquark-antiquark states |
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V. Yazkov |
Investigation of π+π-, K+π- and π+K- atoms for pion-pion and pion-kaon scattering length measurements |
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Contribution |
M. Platonova |
Dibaryon resonances in pion production and short-range nuclear force |
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P. Chesnokov |
Leptonic constants of tensor mesons in QCD |
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L. Imasheva |
Nucleon pairing in N=126 isotones |
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N. Fedorov |
Microscopic description of E1 resonance in light nuclei |
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E. Bundova, I. Fotina, V. Pchelinceva |
Quantitative evaluation of interobserver variability in prostate cancer contouring for radiotherapy treatment planning |
E. Bundova, I. Fotina, V. Pchelinceva |
Approaches for planning target volume margin determination in head and neck cancer |