XXV International Workshop-School
on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
Moscow, Russia
June 30 – July 5 , 2025
Organizers: D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics and Faculty of Physics, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University
The Workshop-School continues a distinguished series initiated by the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University (SINP MSU) in 1985. It aims to present cutting-edge topics in high-energy physics and quantum field theory, fostering a dynamic environment for scientific exchange on the latest theoretical and experimental developments. The program will also include dedicated lectures for students, further enriching the educational aspect of the event.
This year's Workshop-School is dedicated to the 270th anniversary of Moscow State University.
The Workshop-School traditionally attracts a varied group of participants, including a significant number of young scientists and students from Russia and abroad, making it a vibrant platform for collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Advisory Committee
- V. Sadovnichy (Chairman)
- V. Belokurov (Co-Chairman)
- E. Boos (Co-Chairman)
Members: A. Bondar (BINP, Novosibirsk), M. Danilov (LPI, Moscow), V. Egorychev (IHEP, Protvino), D. Galtsov (MSU, Moscow), Jie Gao (IHEP, China), M. Grigoriev (ITMP, Moscow), D. Gorbunov (INR, Moscow), D. Kazakov (JINR, Dubna), V. Kekelidze (JINR, Dubna), D. Levkov (ITMP, Moscow), M. Libanov (INR, Moscow), V. Matveev (JINR, Dubna), K. Postnov (SAI, Moscow), B. Sadovnikov (MSU, Moscow), S. Sakhiyev (INP, Kazakhstan), V. Savrin (SINP MSU, Moscow), A. Sergeev (NCPHM, Sarov), B. Sharkov (JINR, Dubna), V. Shevchenko (MEPHI, Moscow), A. Studenikin (MSU, Moscow), G. Trubnikov (JINR, Dubna), S. Troitsky (INR, Moscow), A. Tseytlin (ITMP MSU, Moscow), N. Tyurin (IHEP, Protvino), M. Vasiliev (LPI, Moscow)
Local Organizing Committee
SINP MSU: E. Abasov, A. Berezhnoy, V. Bunichev, G. Chernoluzhskiy, M. Dubinin, L. Dudko, E. Iudin, L. Gladilin, A. Gribushin, I. Lokhtin, M. Merkin, N. Nikitin, M. Perfilov, E. Rakhmetov, O. Vasilevskii, S. Vernov, P. Volkov, I. Volobuev, G. Vorotnikov
Scientific Secretary: M. Perfilov Faculty of Physics, MSU: P. Forsh, A. Studenikin, U. Tsurikova, P. Vshivtseva
Scientific Program
The Workshop-School will cover a wide range of topics, including:
- Higgs and heavy scalar boson searches, and other experimental results from the LHC
- Physics prospects at linear, circular e+e-, and ep colliders, as well as super B-factories
- Extensions of the Standard Model and their phenomenological implications
- Higher-order corrections and resummations for collider phenomenology
- Automated calculations and Monte Carlo simulations in high-energy physics
- Astrophysics and cosmology connections of high energy physics
- Modern nuclear physics and relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions
- Detectors for future particle physics experiments
- Machine Learning in High Energy Physics
- Mathematical methods in High Energy Physics
The Workshop-School will feature morning plenary sessions with invited lectures and afternoon parallel sessions for original talks. Additionally, lectures tailored for students will be organized to enhance their understanding of advanced topics. Remote participation in the conference will be available via an online video conferencing platform.
Working Languages The official languages of the Workshop-School are English and Russian.
Contributions and Proceedings Participants are invited to submit abstracts for consideration by the Organizing Committee. The deadline for abstract submission is May 15, 2025. Selected contributions will be published in the Moscow University Physics Bulletin, which has a 5-year Journal Impact Factor of 0.5 (2023). Detailed instructions for authors will be provided in a subsequent circular.
Travel Information The arrival day is June 29, and the departure day is July 5 (afternoon). Additional travel details will be included in the future information bulletins.
Social Program The Organizing Committee is planning a sightseeing tour of Moscow and visits to notable locations in the surrounding countryside (available for an additional charge). A tailored social program for accompanying persons can also be arranged upon request.
Application and Registration The deadline for applications is May 15, 2025. For further details and to register, please visit our official website: http://qfthep.sinp.msu.ru/.
Visa Support The Organizing Committee will assist registered participants with visa arrangements. Further information will be provided in due course.
Contact Information For any inquiries regarding the Workshop-School, please contact the Scientific Secretary: Dr. Maxim Perfilov Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics, Lomonosov Moscow State University 119991 Moscow, Russia Email:
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