Home QFTHEP'2017 Programme June 30, 2017
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June 30, 2017 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:   R. Tenchini
Timothy Williams (University of Birmingham, UK) Charmless hadronic b-hadron decays 40 min.
Dmitri Melikhov (SINP MSU, Russia) Exotic polyquark states and their properties in QCD 40 min.
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair:   R. Tenchini
Yanwen Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) Overview of Standard Model Measurements with the ATLAS Detector 40 min.
Damian Alvarez Piqueras (IFIC - Universitat de València, Spain) Search for neutral and charged BSM Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS detector 40 min.
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A Chair:   I. Volobuev
Ekaterina Pozdeeva (SINP MSU, Russia) Multi-field inflation and cosmological attractors 20 min.
Maria Skugoreva (KFU, Russia) Asymptotic cosmological regimes in scalar-torsion gravity with a perfect fluid 20 min.
Sergey Vernov (SINP MSU, Russia) Cosmological models with non-minimal coupling and bounce solutions 20 min.
Sergey Godunov (ITEP, Russia) Domain Walls and Matter-Antimatter Domains in the Early Universe 20 min.
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B Chair:   D. Meloni
Anastasia Shitova (YSU, Russia) Neutrino decay to electron and W-boson in a superstrong magnetic field in the Early Universe 20 min.
Vasiliy Belyaev (YSU, Russia) Direct Urca processes in neutron star quark core with strong magnetic field 20 min.
Igor Ognev (YSU, Russia) Effect of magnetic field on beta processes in a relativistic moderately degenerate plasma 20 min.
Alexandra Dobrynina (YSU, Russia) Radiative decay of keV-mass sterile neutrinos in a strongly magnetized plasma 20 min.
Dmitry Rumyantsev (YSU, Russia) Resonances in tree-level two-point amplitudes in a magnetized medium 20 min.
Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A Chair:   I. Volobuev
Dmitri Gorbunov (INR RAS, Russia) Sterile neutrino dark matter production 20 min.
Vasiliy Savin (YSU, Russia) Neutrino-electron scattering in a dense magnetized plasma 20 min.
Denis Shlenev (YSU, Russia) Neutrino photoproduction on electron in dense magnetized medium 20 min.
Anatoly Mosichkin (YSU, Russia) The splitting of a photon in a strong magnetic field with taking account of the positronium in the polarization operator. 20 min.
Sergey Godunov (ITEP, Russia) Spatial structure of the pointlike charge potential in a superstrong magnetic field 20 min.
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B Chair:   M. Smolyakov
Stanislav Alexeyev (SAI, Russia) Astronomical tests for extended gravity 20 min.
Vadim Egorov (SINP MSU, Russia) Interbrane distance stabilization by bulk Higgs field in RS model 20 min.
Natalia Kharuk (SPBU, Russia) Description of Gravity in the Model with Independent Nonsymmetric Connection 20 min.