Plenary Sessions |
10.00-11.25 |
Chair: R. Tenchini |
Timothy Williams (University of Birmingham, UK) |
Charmless hadronic b-hadron decays |
40 min. |
Dmitri Melikhov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Exotic polyquark states and their properties in QCD |
40 min. |
Coffee break |
12.00-13.30 |
Chair: R. Tenchini |
Yanwen Liu (University of Science and Technology of China) |
Overview of Standard Model Measurements with the ATLAS Detector |
40 min. |
Damian Alvarez Piqueras (IFIC - Universitat de València, Spain) |
Search for neutral and charged BSM Higgs Bosons with the ATLAS detector |
40 min. |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A |
Chair: I. Volobuev |
Ekaterina Pozdeeva (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Multi-field inflation and cosmological attractors |
20 min. |
Maria Skugoreva (KFU, Russia) |
Asymptotic cosmological regimes in scalar-torsion gravity with a perfect fluid |
20 min. |
Sergey Vernov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Cosmological models with non-minimal coupling and bounce solutions |
20 min. |
Sergey Godunov (ITEP, Russia) |
Domain Walls and Matter-Antimatter Domains in the Early Universe |
20 min. |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B |
Chair: D. Meloni |
Anastasia Shitova (YSU, Russia) |
Neutrino decay to electron and W-boson in a superstrong magnetic field in the Early Universe |
20 min. |
Vasiliy Belyaev (YSU, Russia) |
Direct Urca processes in neutron star quark core with strong magnetic field |
20 min. |
Igor Ognev (YSU, Russia) |
Effect of magnetic field on beta processes in a relativistic moderately degenerate plasma |
20 min. |
Alexandra Dobrynina (YSU, Russia) |
Radiative decay of keV-mass sterile neutrinos in a strongly magnetized plasma |
20 min. |
Dmitry Rumyantsev (YSU, Russia) |
Resonances in tree-level two-point amplitudes in a magnetized medium |
20 min. |
Coffee break |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A |
Chair: I. Volobuev |
Dmitri Gorbunov (INR RAS, Russia) |
Sterile neutrino dark matter production |
20 min. |
Vasiliy Savin (YSU, Russia) |
Neutrino-electron scattering in a dense magnetized plasma |
20 min. |
Denis Shlenev (YSU, Russia) |
Neutrino photoproduction on electron in dense magnetized medium |
20 min. |
Anatoly Mosichkin (YSU, Russia) |
The splitting of a photon in a strong magnetic field with taking account of the positronium in the polarization operator. |
20 min. |
Sergey Godunov (ITEP, Russia) |
Spatial structure of the pointlike charge potential in a superstrong magnetic field |
20 min. |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B |
Chair: M. Smolyakov |
Stanislav Alexeyev (SAI, Russia) |
Astronomical tests for extended gravity |
20 min. |
Vadim Egorov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Interbrane distance stabilization by bulk Higgs field in RS model |
20 min. |
Natalia Kharuk (SPBU, Russia) |
Description of Gravity in the Model with Independent Nonsymmetric Connection |
20 min. |