Home QFTHEP'2011 Programme September 27, 2011
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September 27, 2011 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair: P. Osland
10.00-10.40 L. Lipatov (SPb NPI) Effective actions for high energy scattering in QCD and in gravity
10.45-11.25 N. Zotov (SINP MSU) Small x physics and hard QCD processes at the LHC.
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair:
12.00-12.45 B. Arbuzov (SINP MSU) Non-perturbative effects in the electro-weak theory versus TEVATRON and LHC data
12.45-13.30 S. Mikhailov (JINR) Pion-photon transition form factor using light-cone sum rules:  theoretical results, expectations, and a global-data fit
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A:  Bound states and hadron resonances,   Chair: D. Melikhov
15.30 N. Tsirova (Samara SU) Non-perturbative renormalization scheme in application to chiral perturbation theory in the nucleon sector
15.50 N. Volchanskiy (SFU) Nucleon-to-resonance transition form factors in a vector-meson-dominance model
16.10 M. Kudinov (Samara SU) Violation of CP invariance in the relativistic electromagnetic structure of nucleons

A. Berezhnoy (SINP MSU)

Bc --> J/Ψ (Bs ,Bs+) + nπ decays
16.50 A. Trunin (Samara SAU) Relativistic description of the double P-wave charmonium production in  e+e-annihilation
Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10
Parallel section A: Top quark in the SM and beyond,   Chair: V. Beylin
17.30 V. Kuksa (SFU) Top-pair production and decay at the NLC
17.50 D. Vlasenko (SFU) Top quark pair production at linear collider in the minimal   gauge  extension of the SM
18.10 M. Nekrasov (IHEP) Results of numerical simulations for unstable-particles pair
production in modified perturbation theory in NNLO