Home QFTHEP'2011 Programme September 26, 2011
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September 26, 2011 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair: E. Boos
10.00-10.40 A.M. Zaitsev (IHEP, Protvino) ATLAS overview and recent results
10.45-11.25 P. Jez (Niels Bohr Institute) ATLAS Standard Model results
Coffee break

12.00-12.45 Alexey  Miagkov
SUSY/Exotics searches in ATLAS
12.45-13.30 Yu. Shcheglov (SPb NPI) Rare Decays at LHCb
Coffee break
15.30 - 17.10 Higgs sector in the SM and beyond, Chair:  B. Arbuzov
15.30 P. Osland (University of Bergen) Exploring the CP-Violating Inert-Doublet Model
15.50 V. Beylin (SFU) Scenarios of Higgs bosons manifestation in the minimal gauge extension of the SM
16.10 E. Rykova
(Samara SU)
Higgs sector in supersymmetric models: masses and couplings
16.30 M. Dolgopolov
(Samara SU)
Bifurcation sets in NMSSM and extensions
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: Top quark  at colliders, Chair: M. Libanov
17.30 Andrey Popov (SINP MSU) Search of Single top quark production at CMS
17.50 Lev Dudko  (SINP MSU) Technical aspects of the search for anomalous Wtb couplings
18.10 R. Ryutin (IHEP) Hadron multiplicity induced by top quark decays at the LHC