Plenary Sessions |
10.00-11.25 |
Chair: V. Savrin |
Leonid Gladilin (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Heavy quark physics at ATLAS and CMS |
40 min. |
Roberto Tenchini (INFN Pisa, Italy) |
Top quark physics at ATLAS and CMS |
40 min. |
Coffee break |
12.00-13.30 |
Chair: V. Savrin |
Igor Altsybeev (SPBU, Russia) |
Overview of ALICE results |
40 min. |
Anatoly Petrukhin (MEPhI, Russia) |
Nucleus-nucleus interactions in very-high-energy cosmic ray experiments |
40 min. |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A |
Chair: D. Melikhov |
Anastasiia Kozachuk (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Rare radiative leptonic B-decays as a tool to study New Physics |
20 min. |
Aidos Issadykov (JINR, Dubna) |
Semileptonic decays of B_c mesons into charmonium states |
20 min. |
Alexander Parkhomenko (YSU, Russia) |
Annihilation-Type Semileptonic B-Meson Decays |
20 min. |
Sergey Baranov (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia) |
Associated production of J/ψ and Υ mesons and prospects to observe a new hypothetical tetraquark state |
20 min. |
Aleksey Rusov (YSU, Russia) |
Hadronic input and observables in Bs → π (K)l+l- decays at large recoil |
20 min. |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B |
Chair: I. Lokhtin |
Aleksandr Andrianov (SPBU, Russia) |
Exotic meson decays in the environment with chiral imbalance |
20 min. |
Arkadiy Taranenko (MEPhI, Russia) |
Recent PHENIX Measurements of Correlations at RHIC |
20 min. |
Grigory Feofilov (SPBU, Russia) |
Future studies of correlations between cumulative particles and heavy flavor production in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions |
20 min. |
Mikhail Kuznetsov (INR RAS, Russia) |
Multimessenger search for heavy dark mater |
20 min. |
Coffee break |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A |
Chair: A. Snigirev |
Artur Shaikhiev (INR RAS, Russia) |
NA62 experiment at CERN, status and recent results |
20 min. |
Anna Danilina (MSU, Russia) |
The rare four-leptonic B-decays with light leptons in the framework of the Standard Model |
20 min. |
Artem Maevskiy (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Production and spectroscopy in heavy flavour at ATLAS |
20 min. |
Sergey Shkarovskiy (JINR, Dubna) |
Recent measurements of K±l3 form factors at NA48 |
20 min. |
Elena Solovieva (MIPT, LPI, Russia) |
Strange Charmed Baryons Spectroscopy |
20 min. |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B |
Chair: D. Gorbunov |
Alexander Povarov (YSU, Russia) |
Fermion-mixing parameters and searches limits on the masses of the leptoquarks |
20 min. |
Huajie Cheng (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China) |
Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector |
20 min. |
Sergei Demidov (INR RAS, Russia) |
Missing energy signature for low scale supersymmetry breaking |
20 min. |
Mikhail Martynov (YSU, Russia) |
On mass limits for scalar color octet from the LHC data on ttbar invariant mass spectra |
20 min. |