Home QFTHEP'2017 Programme June 28, 2017
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June 28, 2017 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:   V. Savrin
Leonid Gladilin (SINP MSU, Russia) Heavy quark physics at ATLAS and CMS 40 min.
Roberto Tenchini (INFN Pisa, Italy) Top quark physics at ATLAS and CMS 40 min.
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair:    V. Savrin
Igor Altsybeev (SPBU, Russia) Overview of ALICE results 40 min.
Anatoly Petrukhin (MEPhI, Russia) Nucleus-nucleus interactions in very-high-energy cosmic ray experiments 40 min.
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A Chair:    D. Melikhov
Anastasiia Kozachuk (SINP MSU, Russia) Rare radiative leptonic B-decays as a tool to study New Physics 20 min.
Aidos Issadykov (JINR, Dubna) Semileptonic decays of B_c mesons into charmonium states 20 min.
Alexander Parkhomenko (YSU, Russia) Annihilation-Type Semileptonic B-Meson Decays 20 min.
Sergey Baranov (Lebedev Physical Institute, Russia) Associated production of J/ψ and Υ mesons and prospects to observe a new hypothetical tetraquark state 20 min.
Aleksey Rusov (YSU, Russia) Hadronic input and observables in Bs → π (K)l+l- decays at large recoil 20 min.
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B Chair:   I. Lokhtin
Aleksandr Andrianov (SPBU, Russia) Exotic meson decays in the environment with chiral imbalance 20 min.
Arkadiy Taranenko (MEPhI, Russia) Recent  PHENIX Measurements of Correlations at RHIC 20 min.
Grigory Feofilov (SPBU, Russia) Future studies of correlations between cumulative particles and heavy flavor production in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions 20 min.
Mikhail Kuznetsov (INR RAS, Russia) Multimessenger search for heavy dark mater 20 min.
Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A Chair:   A. Snigirev
Artur Shaikhiev (INR RAS, Russia) NA62 experiment at CERN, status and recent results 20 min.
Anna Danilina (MSU, Russia) The rare four-leptonic B-decays with light leptons in the framework of the Standard Model 20 min.
Artem Maevskiy (SINP MSU, Russia) Production and spectroscopy in heavy flavour at ATLAS 20 min.
Sergey Shkarovskiy (JINR, Dubna) Recent measurements of K±l3 form factors at NA48 20 min.
Elena  Solovieva (MIPT, LPI, Russia) Strange Charmed Baryons Spectroscopy 20 min.
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B Chair:   D. Gorbunov
Alexander Povarov (YSU, Russia) Fermion-mixing parameters and searches limits on the masses of the leptoquarks 20 min.
Huajie Cheng (Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS, China) Searches for electroweak production of supersymmetric gauginos and sleptons with the ATLAS detector 20 min.
Sergei Demidov (INR RAS, Russia) Missing energy signature for low scale supersymmetry breaking 20 min.
Mikhail Martynov (YSU, Russia) On mass limits for scalar color octet from the LHC data on ttbar invariant mass spectra 20 min.