Plenary Sessions |
10.00-11.25 |
Chair: I. Lokhtin |
Vitalii Okorokov (MEPhI, Russia) |
Highlights from STAR heavy ion program |
40 min. |
Arkadiy Taranenko (MEPhI, Russia) |
Anisotropic flow measurements at RHIC |
40 min. |
Coffee break |
12.00-13.30 |
Chair: I. Lokhtin |
Anatoly Sokolov (IHEP, Russia) |
Studies of leptonic and semileptonic B decays at Belle and Belle II |
40 min. |
Davide Meloni (Universita Roma Tre, Italy) |
Grand Unified Theories and flavor models for neutrino masses and mixing |
40 min. |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A |
Chair: L. Dudko |
Laura Barranco Navarro (IFIC (CSIC-UV) Valencia, Spain) |
Highlights of top quark properties measurements at ATLAS |
20 min. |
Peter Berta (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität, Germany) |
Highlights of top quark cross-section measurements at ATLAS |
20 min. |
Georgii Vorotnikov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Probing anomalous electroweak dipole moment of top-quark |
20 min. |
Igor Myagkov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Modeling the tW associative production including the interference with the pair ttbar production |
20 min. |
Maxim Perfilov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Probing anomalous tWb couplings in tW associative production |
20 min. |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B |
Chair: D. Melikhov |
Alexandr Berezhnoy (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to paired Bc production in e+e− annihilation |
20 min. |
Christopher Lepenik (University of Vienna, Austria) |
On the Light Massive Flavor Dependence of the Top Quark Mass |
20 min. |
Maxim Malyshev (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Z-boson production in association with heavy flavor in the kT-factorization |
20 min. |
Vladimir Kovalenko (SPBSU, Russia) |
Correlations with strange particles in a multi-pomeron exchange model |
20 min. |
Coffee break |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A |
Chair: L. Dudko |
Anton Karpishkov (Samara National Research University, Russia) |
Angular correlations in BBbar pair production at the LHC in the parton Reggeization approach |
20 min. |
Maxim Nefedov (Samara National Research University, Russia) |
DIS Structure functions in the Next-to-Leading order approximation of the Parton Reggeization Approach |
20 min. |
Viacheslav Bunichev (SINP MSU, Russia) |
The effect of the anomalous Wtb interaction on the single top quark polarization |
20 min. |
Alexey Baskakov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
On the top-quark width measurement using a combination of resonant and non resonant cross sections |
20 min. |
Alexey Baskakov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Restrictions on the mass of the KK excitation W' from the Higgs boson diphoton decay and the single top production |
20 min. |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B |
Chair: I. Volobuev |
Mikhail Smolyakov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
U(1) gauged Q-balls and their properties |
20 min. |
Alexander Biryukov (Samara University, Russia) |
The Feynman-Vernon Influence Functional Approach in QED and Lamb Shift |
20 min. |
Aleksandr Ivanov (SPBU, Russia) |
Specifics of renormalization for the quantum Yang–Mills theory in the four dimensional space–time |
20 min. |