Home QFTHEP'2013 Programme June 28, 2013
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June 28, 2013 Print
Plenary Sessions
10-11.25 Chair: B. Loehr
10.00-10.40 G. Wolschin (Heidelberg University) Stopping, particle production and Upsilon suppression in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC
10.45-11.25 V. Yazkov (SINP MSU) Investigation of atoms, consisting of π+π-, K+π- and π+K- at DIRAC experiment in order to check predictions of QCD at low energies.
Coffee break
12-13.45 Chair: B. Loehr
12.00-12.40 K. Kato (Kogakuin University, Japan) Recent progress of automatic computation in HEP
12.45-13.25 M. Dubinin (SINP MSU) Status of CompHEP project
15.30-17.10 Parallel section A: Physics beyond the SM, Chair: I. Ginzburg
15.30 B. Stech (University of Heidelberg) Phenomenology of SU(3)LxSU(3)RxSU(3)C and the Higgs Boson
16.10 A. Andrianov (SPb State University) Universal Landau Pole
16.30 T. Volkova (Samara State University) Higgs boson in NMSSM
16.50 S. Zavodov (Samara State University) Groebner basis approach applied to Higgs potential extremal properties
15.30-17.10 Parallel section B: QCD and scattering processes, Chair: N. Zotov
15.30 A. Berezhnoy (SINP MSU) The observation possibility of Bc excitations at LHC
15.50 V. Kovalenko (SPb State University) Monte Carlo model for pp, pA and AA collisions at high energy: parameters tuning and results
16.10 A. Seryakov (SPb State University) Geometric properties and charged particles yields behind Glauber model in high energy pA and AA collisions
16.30 E. Andronov (SPb State University) The correlation between transverse momentum and multiplicity of charged particles in a two-component model
16.50 V. Vechernin (SPb State University) On description of the correlation between multiplicities in windows separated in azimuth and rapidity
Coffee break
17.30-19.10 Parallel section A: Physics beyond the SM and gravity theory, Chair: I. Volobuev
17.30 H. Tanyildizi (JINR) FCNC Penguin Operators in Models Beyond the SM
17.50 S. Demidov (INR Moscow) Implications of sgoldstino-Higgs mixing
18.10 A. Sheykin, D. Grad, S. Paston (SPb State University) Embeddings of the Black Holes in a flat space
18.30 E. Rakhmetov, S. Keyzerov (SINP MSU) Spherically symmetric solutions in Møller gravity
18.50 I.Ginzburg (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) New options in Higgs-Dark physics: strongly interacting dark matter and a degenerate intermediate state in the cooling of the Universe
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B: QCD and exotic states, Chair: A. Berezhnoy
17.30 R. Kolevatov (SPb State University, SUBATECH) Reaction-diffusion approach in soft diffraction
17.50 D. Liventsev (KEK, Japan) B→τν and related results
18.10 S. Kolevatov (SPb State University) Passing the boundary between the parity breaking medium and vacuum by vector particles