Home QFTHEP'2015 Programme June 25, 2015
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June 25, 2015 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.40 Chair: E. Boos
10.00-10.15 Welcome

10.15-10.55 Huang Yanping (DESY, Germany) Higgs boson results from ATLAS
10.55-11.40 Martin Flechl (Vienna Institut of High Energy Physics, Austria) Higgs boson discovery and recent results (CMS)
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair: E. Boos
12.00-12.45 Bora Akgun (Rice University, USA) Resent results of the CMS experiment
12.45-13.30 Ilya Ginzburg (Sobolev IM SB RAS, Russia) Multi-Higgs models. Perspectives for identification of a wide set of models in future experiments at colliders in the SM-like scenario.

15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Higgs boson in SM extensions Chair: I. Ginzburg
15.30 E. Zhemchugov (ITEP, Russia) Double Higgs production at LHC in the Standard Model extended with an isosinglet
15.50 S. Godunov (ITEP, Russia) Double Higgs boson production with isotripet scalars
16.10 K. Svirina, E. Boos, S. Keizerov, E. Rahmetov (SINP MSU, Russia) Higgs boson-radion similarity and some differences in production processes involving off-shell fermions
16.30 V. Bunichev, E. Boos, M. Perfilov, M. Smolyakov, I. Volobuev (SINP MSU, Russia) Phenomenological aspects of Higgs-radion mixing

15.30 – 17.10 Parallel section B: Topics in QM and FT Chair: N. Nikitin
15.30 A. Biryukov, Ya. Degtyarova (SSU, Russia) Influence of long-range interactions on the critical temperature of the Ising model phase transition
15.50 A. Biryukov (SSU, Russia) The equations of quantum theory in the space of random joint events
16.10 E. Bashkirov (SSU, Russia) Entanglement between atoms succesively passing a thermal cavity
Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: Higgs boson in SM extensions Chair: I. Ginzburg
17.30 E. Petrova (SINP MSU, Russia) The post-Higgs MSSM scenario
17.50 I. Sobolev (MSU, Faculty of Physics & INR RAS, Russia) Sgoldstino physics and flavor-violating Higgs boson decays
18.10 A. Gurskaya (SSU, Russia) Higgs bosons in NMSSM with CP-violation
Parallel section B: Topics in QM and FT Chair: I. Volobuev
17.30 N. Nikitin (MSU, Faculty of Physics, Russia) Time-dependent Bell inequalities in a Wigner form
17.50 A. Gorokhov (SSU, Russia) V.A. Fock's discovery of "hidden" O(4) symmetry of the H-atom and dynamical group theory
18.10 A. Grigoriev (SSU, Russia) Surface states of ultra-cold neutrons above liquid helium
18.30 M. Mastyugin (SSU, Russia) Entanglement for two qubits interacting with a thermal field