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27 / 07 / 2024
ProceedingsCopy Print

The proceedings of the  QFTHEP 2019 will be published in EPJ Web of Conferences. The journal policy of publishing integrity is described here.

We would like to be sure that our proceedings will be published by the EPJ WoC by mid December of 2019 at the latest. We therefore set October 31rd, 2019 (at 23.59 CET) as a strict deadline for submissions. Contributions submitted after this date cannot be considered for publication.

Article Preparation

The length of an article as a rule should not exceed
  • 15 pages for plenary talks
  • 8 pages for parallel talks
The instructions for authors, as well as LaTeX macros and Microsoft Word templates, are available at the EPJ web site (See Instructions for authors here.). These instructions should be downloaded and used by the authors to prepare their papers in the EPJ format. The format of the documents is 17x25 cm one-column. Only papers written in accordance with the appropriate macro are acceptable.

License agreement

The website License agreement contains electronic file of the License agreement. Each paper must be submitted together with a signed License agreement form as well as with the necessary permissions (if it is the case) for materials taken from other sources.


Please send
  1. your zipped folder (name_surname) with print-ready PDF file of the manuscript, LaTeX source and all the figures
  2. signed and scanned License agreement form
via e-mail (use "QFTHEP2019 Proceedings" in the mail subject) to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it with a copy to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Please take into account that:

  • All contributions will be reviewed and the reports will be submitted to EPJ WoC
  • According to the new rules adopted by EPJ WoC, "all articles will be checked in a plagiarism tool and any ethical misconduct will be considered very seriously".

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