Home News General QFTHEP'2015 Proceedings Guidelines
27 / 07 / 2024
QFTHEP'2015 Proceedings Guidelines Print

The Conference Proceedings of the QFTHEP2015 will be published as eConf Proceedings, a free service provided by SLAC (http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf).

The template tex file for your QFTHEP2015 Proceedings contribution, as well as all necessary files for processing your contribution are given in the zip-archive qfthep2015tex.zip

This zip archive contains the following files:

  • contribution.sty
  • contributionmacros.tex
  • econfmacros.tex
  • qfthep.tex - do not change this file; you will process this file with latex
  • contribution.tex - tex file with your contribution. Edit but do not rename this file

  1. Produce the pdf file with your contribution using one of the following

    If you have pdf figures, run
    pdflatex qfthep
    rename qfthep.pdf  your_name.pdf

    If you have eps figures, run
    latex qfthep
    dvips qfthep
    ps2pdf qfthep
    rename qfthep.pdf  your_name.pdf

  2. Send the pdf file of your contribution your_name.pdf by e-mail to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it and This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

  4. Preferred option:

    in addition to sending us your pdf contrbution your_name.pdf, you may submit your file to arXiv, indicating in comments: "Talk/Plenary talk given at XXII International Workshop on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (QFTHEP'2015), June 24 - July 1 2015, Samara, Russia". Then please send us the arXiv number of your contribution.

The recommended size for plenary talks is 15 pages and for parallel talks is 6 pages.

The deadline for submitting your contributions is November 30, 2015.