Home QFTHEP'2017 Programme June 27, 2017
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June 27, 2017 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.40 Chair:  E.Boos
Welcome 15 min.
Biagio Di Micco (Universita Roma Tre, Italy) Higgs Physics at ATLAS 40 min.
Predrag Cirkovic (University of Belgrade, Serbia) Higgs Physics at CMS 40 min.
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair:  E.Boos
Alison Elliot (University of Victoria, Canada) Beyond Standard Model Searches at ATLAS 40 min.
Andrew Ivanov (Kansas State University, USA) Beyond Standard Model searches at CMS 40 min.
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A Chair:  L.Gladilin
Semen Turchikhin (JINR, Dubna) Searches for new physics with heavy flavour 20 min.
Oliver Ricken (Universität Bonn, Germany) Searches for squarks and gluinos with ATLAS 20 min.
Alexander Smirnov (YSU, Russia) On mass limits for vector leptoquarks from KL0, B0, Bs → l+i l-j decays with account of fermion mixing 20 min.
Andrey Ryzhov (IHEP, Russia) ATLAS Searches for Resonances Decaying to Boson Pairs 20 min.
Laurie McClymont (University College London, UK) Search for heavy resonances decaying to heavy-flavor quarks 20 min.
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B Chair:  I.Volobuev
Ilya Karabanov (YSU, Russia) Two point correlators of fermionic currents in external magnetic field 20 min.
Alexey Eskin (Samara University, Russia) The correction of hadronic nucleus polarizability to hyperfine structure of light muonic atoms 20 min.
Valeriy Yazkov (SINP MSU, Russia) Observation and investigation of πK atoms 20 min.
Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A Chair:  M.Smolyakov
Karri DiPetrillo (Harvard University, USA) Measurement of cross sections and couplings of the Higgs Boson using the ATLAS detector 20 min.
Elza Rykova (Samara University, Russia) Finite-temperature effective potentials in models with extended Higgs sector: typical scenarios 20 min.
Elena Petrova (SINP MSU, Russia) Radiative corrections to the effective sextic couplings of Higgs self-interactions in the heavy supersymmetry 20 min.
Elena Petrova (SINP MSU, Russia) Top-quark Associated Production with the MSSM Higgs sector extended by dimension six operators 20 min.
Diogo Buarque Franzosi (Universitaet Goettingen, Germany) Resonant top pair production at NLO in QCD 20 min.
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B Chair:  I.Volobuev
Alexander Kryukov (SINP MSU, Russia) Simplification of tensor expressions in computer algebra 20 min.
Petr Mandrik (IHEP, Russia) The evaluation of the systematic uncertainties for the finite MC samples in the presence of negative weights 20 min.
Anton Lukyashin (ITEP, MEPhI, Russia) Testing of the VENUS 4.12, DPMJET 2.55, QGSJETII-03 and SIBYLL 2.3 hadronic interaction models via help of the atmospheric vertical muons spectra 20 min.
Vincent Lafage (IPN,IN2P3,CNRS, France) MUSE, a SUSY spectrum evaluator 20 min.
Nguyen Minh Duc (SINP MSU, Russia) Monitoring activities of satellite data processing services in real-time with SDDS Live Monitor 20 min.