Plenary Sessions |
10.00-11.25 Chair: I.Volobuev |
10.00-10.40 |
Enrico Tassi (Universita della Calabria and INFN Cosenza, Italy) |
Measurement of the structure of the proton at HERA |
10.45-11.25 |
Boris Arbuzov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Upgraded LHC experiments as a check of a would-be approach to the calculation of the SM fundamental parameters |
Coffee break |
12.00-13.30 Chair: S. Olsen |
12.00-12.40 |
Gabriella Pasztor (Carleton University, Canada) |
Overview of recent ATLAS results and preparation of Run-2 |
12.45-13.25 |
Evgeny Kryshen (CERN) |
Overview of recent ALICE results |
15.30 - 17.20 Plenary Session Chair: A. Berezhnoy |
15.30 |
Siarhei Vaurynovich (MIT, USA) |
Latest Physics Results from the AMS Experiment |
16.10 |
Leonid Gladilin (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Measurement of perturbative QCD and hadronic final states at HERA |
16.50 |
Rachel Bartek (National Taiwanese University, Taiwan) |
Searches for BSM physics with CMS |
Coffee break |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: Collider physics Chair: L. Dudko |
17.30 |
L. Gladilin (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Fragmentation fractions of heavy quarks |
17.50 |
S. Serednyakov (Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics, Russia) |
Proton and kaon time-like form factors from Babar |
18.10 |
M. Misheva (JINR, Dubna) |
The NA62 experiment - Results from 2014 Pilot Run |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B: Bound and exotic states in QCD Chair: I. Lokhtin |
17.30 |
M. Matveev (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Russia) |
Exotic mesons as diquark-antiquark states |
17.50 |
V. Yazkov (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Investigation of pi+pi-, K+pi- and pi+K- atoms for pion-pion and pion-kaon scattering length measurements |
18.10 |
M. Platonova (SINP MSU, Russia) |
Dibaryon resonances in pion production and short-range nuclear force |
18.30 |
P. Chesnokov (MSU, Russia) |
Leptonic constants of tensor mesons in QCD |