Home QFTHEP'2015 Programme June 26, 2015
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June 26, 2015 Print
Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair: D. Gorbunov
10.00-10.45 Mateusz Dyndal (CEA-IRFU-SPP/AGH-UST, France/Poland) SM measurements with ATLAS
10.45-11.25 Lev Dudko (SINP MSU, Russia) Electroweak top quark production
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair: M. Vysotsky
12.00-12.45 Dmitry Gorbunov (INR RAS, Russia) ShiP experiment at CERN SPS
12.45-13.30 Igor Volobuev (SINP MSU, Russia) Theories with large extra dimensions and their experimental consequences

15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Top physics Chair: L. Dudko
15.30 L. Massa (University of Bologna and INFN, Italy) Top physics results with ATLAS
15.50 I. Myagkov (MSU, Russia) Limits on anomalous FCNC couplings in single-top-quark events in the CMS experiment
16.10 G. Vorotnikov (SINP MSU, Russia) Limits on anomalous Wtb couplings in single top-quark events in the CMS experiment
16.50 A. Baskakov (SINP MSU, Russia) Single top quark production in heavy ion collisions at the LHC

15.30-17.10 Parallel section B: QED Chair: I. Volobuev
15.30 V. Sorokin (SSU, Russia) Hyperfine structure of P-states in muonic deuterium
15.50 R. Faustov (Dorodnitsyn Computer Center, RAS, Russia), A.A. Krutov, A. Martynenko, G. Martynenko (SSU, Russia) Theory of the Lamb Shift in Muonic Helium Ions
16.10 A. Biryukov, M. Shleenkov (SSU, Russia) The Feynman Vernon influence functional approach in QED

Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: Theories beyond the SM Chair: B. Arbuzov
17.30 D. Gorbunov (INR RAS, Russia) LHC and models with antibaryonic dark matter
17.50 V. Beylin (Southern Federal University, Russia) Dark matter carriers from vector-like technicolor model
18.10 M. Smolyakov (SINP MSU, Russia) Reproducing the Standard Model in 5D brane worlds
18.30 S.Vernov (SINP MSU, Russia) Renormalization-group inflationary scenarios confronted with recent observation data
18.50 I. Kirpichnikov (INR RAS, Russia) Baryogenesis in non-minimal split supersymmetry model