Home QFTHEP'2010 Programme September 9
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September 09, 2010 Print
Plenary Sessions, Chair: E.Boos
10.00-10.15 Welcome
10.15-10.55 Bruce Mellado (University of Wisconsin) Discovery reach of the LHC with the first data (Selected Topics)
11.00-11.40 Roberto Tenchini (CERN,CMS) The first six months of 7 TeV physics at the LHC
Coffee break
12.00-12.40 Andrey Golutvin (Imperial College/CERN/ITEP/MSU) LHCb: Status and News
12.45-13.25 Giuseppe Salamanna (NIKHEF) ATLAS electroweak results
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Collider physics, Chair: I.Volobuev
15.30 Nikolay Nikitin (SINP MSU) LHCb: Rare B-decays
15.50 HyoJung Hyun (Kyungpook National University, South Korea) Rare electroweak penquin decays from Belle
16.10 Sergei Demidov (INR) Invisible Higgs in weak bosons associative production with heavy quarks at LHC
16.30 Yann Mambrini (LPT Orsay) Phenomenological aspects of Dark Matter
16.50 Vladimir Kuksa (Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University) Factorization effect and near-threshold boson production at linear colliders.
Coffee break
17.30-19.10 Parallel section A: Collider Physics, Chair: N.Nikitin
17.30 Themis Bowcock ( University of Liverpool) Tracking upgrades for the LHC era and beyond.
17.50 Olga Novgorodova (DESY Zeuthen, FCAL Collaboration) Forward Calorimeters for the Future Electron-Positron linear collider detectors
18.10 Vyacheslav Bunichev (SINP MSU) Modelling single top Wt+b signal at LHC
18.30 Vladimir Korotkikh (SINP MSU) Elliptic flow studies in heavy-ion collisions using the CMS detector at the LHC.