Plenary Sessions, Chair: E.Boos
10.00-10.15 |
Welcome |
10.15-10.55 |
Bruce Mellado (University of Wisconsin) |
Discovery reach of the LHC with the first data (Selected Topics) |
11.00-11.40 |
Roberto Tenchini (CERN,CMS) |
The first six months of 7 TeV physics at the LHC |
Coffee break |
12.00-12.40 |
Andrey Golutvin (Imperial College/CERN/ITEP/MSU) |
LHCb: Status and News |
12.45-13.25 |
Giuseppe Salamanna (NIKHEF) |
ATLAS electroweak results |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Collider physics, Chair: I.Volobuev
15.30 |
Nikolay Nikitin (SINP MSU) |
LHCb: Rare B-decays |
15.50 |
HyoJung Hyun (Kyungpook National University, South Korea) |
Rare electroweak penquin decays from Belle |
16.10 |
Sergei Demidov (INR) |
Invisible Higgs in weak bosons associative production with heavy quarks at LHC |
16.30 |
Yann Mambrini (LPT Orsay) |
Phenomenological aspects of Dark Matter |
16.50 |
Vladimir Kuksa (Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University) |
Factorization effect and near-threshold boson production at linear colliders. |
Coffee break |
17.30-19.10 Parallel section A: Collider Physics, Chair: N.Nikitin
17.30 |
Themis Bowcock ( University of Liverpool) |
Tracking upgrades for the LHC era and beyond. |
17.50 |
Olga Novgorodova (DESY Zeuthen, FCAL Collaboration) |
Forward Calorimeters for the Future Electron-Positron linear collider detectors |
18.10 |
Vyacheslav Bunichev (SINP MSU) |
Modelling single top Wt+b signal at LHC |
18.30 |
Vladimir Korotkikh (SINP MSU) |
Elliptic flow studies in heavy-ion collisions using the CMS detector at the LHC.