Plenary Sessions |
10.00-11.25 Chair: A. Andrianov |
10.00-10.40 |
Victor Maleev (St.Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute) |
Physics prospects for 2010-2011 in ATLAS experiment |
10.45-11.25 |
Lev Dudko (SINP MSU) |
Top quark physics at the Tevatron.
Coffee break |
12.00-13.30 Chair: M.Sachwitz |
12.00-12.45 |
Yoshimasa Kurihara (KEK) |
Status of GRACE development |
12.45-13.30 |
Viacheslav Bunichev (SINP MSU) |
CompHEP, version 4.5 |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: QED, Chair: A. Krutov |
15.30 |
Boris Levchenko (SINP MSU) |
Particle pair production in strong EM field, imaginary temperature and field emission. |
15.50 |
Elena Gamzova (SSU) |
Asymptotic behaviour of form-factor of the composite system at large momentum transfer. |
16.10 |
Maxim Kudinov (SSU) |
The relativistic electromagnetic structure of the three-body systems. |
16.30 |
Agalar Agalarov ( Dep. of Theoretical Physics DSC RAS) |
Bogomolnyi equations and new exact solutions of charge and Higgs bosons of SU(2)xU(1)-gauge theory in superstrong magnetic fields |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B: Topics in quantum mechanics and field theory, Chair: S. Vernov |
15.30 |
Vasily Tarasov (SINP MSU) |
Fractional Dynamics of Open Quantum Systems |
15.50 |
Sergey Salynskiy (MSU –IHEP) |
New definition of regularity for representation of canonical commutation relation algebras. |
Coffee break |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: QCD, Chair: D. Melikhov |
17.30 |
Vladimir Andrianov (SPbSU) |
Parity violation in QCD motivated models at extreme conditions |
17.50 |
Olga Solovtsova (Gomel State Technical University) |
Summation of threshold singularities in QCD. |
18.10 |
Vitaly Beylin (Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University) |
A gauge model of quark-meson interactions and the Higgs status of scalar mesons. |