Home QFTHEP'2010 Bulletins BULLETIN No.1
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XIX International  Workshop
on High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory
Golitsyno, Moscow region, Russia, 
September 08 - September 15, 2010

Organizer: D.V. Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics,
M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University


The Workshop continues a series of workshops started by the Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lomonosov Moscow State University in 1985 and conceived with the purpose of presenting topics  of current interest and providing a stimulating environment for scientific  discussions on new developments in theoretical and experimental high energy physics and physical programs for future colliders. Traditionally the list  of Workshop attendees includes a great number of active young scientists and students from Russia and other countries.

Advisory Committee

A. Andrianov (PU, St. Petersburg)
F. Boudjema (LAPPTH, Annecy)
A. Djouadi (Un.PSUD, Paris)
J. Ellis (CERN, Geneva),
K. Ellis (Fermilab, Batavia)
J. Fujimoto (KEK, Tsukuba)
P. Jenni (CERN, Geneva)
I. Ginzburg (NMI, Novosibirsk)
R. Heuer (CERN, Geneva)
C. Hill (Fermilab, Batavia)
W. Hollik (MPI, Munich)
V. Matveev (INR RAS, Moscow)
J. Mnich (DESY, Hamburg)
L. Lipatov (PNPI, Gatchina)
V. Novikov (ITEP, Moscow)
P. Osland (Univ. of Bergen)
V. Rubakov (INR RAN, Moscow)
M. Panasyuk (SINP MSU)
V. Samsonov (PNPI, Gatchina)
A. Sissakian (JINR, Dubna)
R. Tenchini (CERN, Geneva)
N. Tyurin (IHEP, Protvino)
M. Vasiliev (LPI, Moscow)

Local Organizing Committee

P.Baikov, A.Berezhnoy, E.Boos (co-chairman), V.Bunichev, G.Chernoluzhskiy, L.Dudko, M.Dubinin, A.Ershov, A.Gribushin, L.Gladilin, V.Ilyin, V.Keshek, I.Lokhtin, O.Lukina, L.Malinina, D.Melikhov,  N.Nikitin, E.Rakhmetov, M.Perfilov, M.Smolyakov, A.Snigirev, V.Savrin (co-chairman), V.Tarasov, S.Vernov, I.Volobuev

Scientific program

The main topics to be covered are:

-- First experimental results from the LHC

-- The status of the Standard Model in view of recent experimental
results from the Tevatron and B-factories

-- Future physics at the LHC and Linear Colliders

-- Extensions of the Standard Model and their phenomenological
consequences at the LHC, Linear Colliders and super B-factories

-- Higher order corrections and resummations for collider phenomenology

-- Automatic calculations of Feynman diagrams and Monte Carlo simulations

-- Particle interactions in space-time with extra dimensions

-- Strings, Quantum groups and selected topics in QFT

-- LHC/LC and astroparticle/cosmology connections

-- Properties of color media in relativistic nucleous-nucleous corrections

The Workshop will include plenary and two parallel afternoon
sessions. The plenary sessions will consist of invited lectures.
The afternoon sessions will include original talks.

The working language at the Workshop will be English and Russian.

Contributions and Proceedings

Talks will be selected by the Organizing Committee on the basis of abstracts to be submitted before May 20, 2010. The Workshop Proceedings will be  published, a special circular with the instructions for authors will be sent out later.

Participation of students in the Workshop is strongly encouraged.
The Organizing Committee will be trying to provide financial
support for selected young participants (35 years old or younger). Those
participants who need a support, should send their applications to the
Organizing Committee.

Travel information

The "Golitsyno" holiday hotel is situated in a picturesque natural park near the small town of the same name (approximately 35 km from Moscow) within a walking distance (approximately 10 min) from the railway station "Golitsyno". The journey from Moscow (Belorusskii railway terminal) takes 40-50 min. Some photographs of the place can be found at http://www.golitcino.ru (in Russian).

The arrival day is September 8, the departure day is September 15 (afternoon).

Social program

The Organizing Committee is planning to arrange a sightseeing of Moscow, visits to  museums, theaters, etc. and to famous
sites in the countryside for extra charge. A special social program for the accompanying persons can also be organized.


The deadline for applications is June 1, 2010. For the participants who need Russian visa the application deadline is May 15, 2010. You can find further information about the Workshop on our Web site


Those who wish to participate in the Workshop should fill the electronic pre-registration form on the Workshop Web site. After the pre-registration the applicant will get an invitation and a detailed information bulletin. All further correspondence concerning the Workshop should be addressed to the Secretaries of the Workshop by e-mail and/or fax:

Dr. Nikolai Nikitin - Scientific secretary and
Mr. Georgy Chernoluzhskiy - Executive secretary of the Workshop,

Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
119991 Moscow, Russia

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Phone/Fax: +7 495 939 3064