Home QFTHEP'2010 Travel
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The XIXth International Workshop

High Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory

Golitsyno, Moscow region, Russia

September 8-15, 2010


The arrival day is September 8, the departure day is September 15 (afternoon).

The free conference bus will be available for the participants to go from Moscow to the Conference site in Golitsyno. The bus will leave on Wednesday, September 8, at 15.00 from the Lomonosov Monument (for gps: 55.701174,37.527642), Moscow State University.

The Lomonosov Monument

How to reach the Moscow State University and the Lomonosov Monument?

The Moscow State University. Main Building and  the Lomonosov Monument

  • In international Moscow airports (Sheremetyevo, Domodedovo, Vnukovo) you can order a taxi in the office in the airport and give the address Moscow State University (Leninskie Gory  1) in the office or to the driver. Estimated cost of taxi from the airports is 50–70$ (USD), the official taxi are yellow, with squares drown. We do not recommend to accept the offers of nonofficial drivers.
  • There are the direct trains (Aeroexpress trains) from Moscow airports to Moscow railway stations. Journey time is approximately 30-40 minutes, fare is 300 rubles (about 10$). You can go from railway stations to Moscow State University by taxi (about 15–20$) or by the Moscow underground (metro).

  • The Moscow underground map see here. A metro ticket costs 26 rubles (1 ride). All railway stations are placed near metro stations of the ring line (Russian name "Kol'tsevaya"). You can see a capital red letter "M". Using "Kol'tsevaya" line one can get the "Park Kul'tury" station. There you need to go to another "Park Kul'tury" station (on the radial line "Sokol'nicheskaya") and to go by train to the station “Universitet”.

  • The Moscow State University is situated within walking distance from the station “Universitet” (15 minutes by walk or two stops from the stop 1 (see the map) by buses 103, 130, trolley bus 34 to the station "Fundamentalnaya Biblioteka" (stop 3) or by buses 1, 47, 113, 119 to the station "DK MGU" (Universitet. Glavnoe Zdanie, stop 4). For more precise information on which way to go you can see the detailed map

Lomonosov Monument. The map

  • The "Golitsyno" holiday hotel, (gps: N 55.61737, E 37.00170) where the conference takes place, is situated in a picturesque natural park near the small town of the same name (approximately 35 km from Moscow) within a walking distance (approximately 10 min) from the railway station "Golitsyno".
  • To reach the hotel one can use the local train (in Russian "electrichka"=electric train) from the Belorussky railway station to the railway station "Golitsyno". The time table see here (in Russian). The journey from Moscow (Belorusskii railway terminal) takes 40-50 min.
    Some photographs of the place can be found at http://www.golitcino.ru (in Russian). On the hotel web-site one can see the following map:
    Golytsino Hotel Map