Home QFTHEP'2017 News News2017 Accommodation
14 / 03 / 2025
Accommodation Print

The participants will be accommodated at the hotel "Yubileinaya". Special rates have been arranged for the Workshop participants and guests (all the prices include breakfast):

  • Standard single room: 2650 rubles (approx. $ 47 / EUR 44) / night for 1 person
  • Standard double room: 3330 rubles (approx. $ 58 / EUR 55) / night for 2 persons
  • Studio: 4000 rubles (approx. $ 70 / EUR 66) / night for 1 person, 4400 rubles (approx. $ 78 / EUR 73) / night for 2 persons
  • Two-room suite: 4000 rubles (approx. $ 70 / EUR 66) / night for 1 person, 4400 rubles (approx. $ 78 / EUR 73) / night for 2 persons
  • Three-room suite: 4900 rubles (approx. $ 87 / EUR 81) / night for 1 person, 5300 rubles (approx. $ 94 / EUR 88) / night for 2 persons, 5700 rubles (approx. $ 101 / EUR 95) / night for 3 persons.


Ordering lunch (extra 300 rubles per day) and/or dinner (extra 400 rubles per day) at the hotel is possible.

Internet access will be available.

Further information (in Russian) can be found at the hotel website http://yubilyar.com/

Room reservations should be done by each participant individually via the hotel booking system using the following link: http://yubilyar.com/booking/?&date=2017-06-26&nights=7&adults=1

This page is originally in Russian, and suggests all available booking options for the period from June 26 to July 3, 2017. Then one can select other language (English, etc.) and change the dates if necessary. The option "early booking" for each type of room should be selected. Finally, filling "payment details" the participant should indicate "QFTHEP'2017"in the field "additional requests".

After the reservation is completed, the participants are kindly asked to inform the Organizing Committee by sending an email to the address This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Since the number of the rooms is limited and the hotel is usually fully booked during the summer vacations period, the reservations should be done as soon as possible (at least one month before the arrival date). Payment can be done online while booking the room or at the hotel reception on arrival. Both credit cards and cash (Russian rubles) are accepted.