Home QFTHEP'2015 News News2015 QFTHEP'2015 Plenary Talks
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QFTHEP'2015 Plenary Talks Print
Please find below the preliminary list of the QFTHEP'2015 plenary talks.

Preliminary Scientific program

June 25, 2015

Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:
10.00-10.40 Huang Yanping (DESY, Germany) Higgs boson results from ATLAS
10.45-11.25 Martin Flechl (Vienna Institut of High Energy Physics, Austria) Higgs boson discovery and recent results (CMS)
Coffee break
12.00-13.30 Chair:
12.00-12.45 Bora Akgun (Rice University, USA) Hot results of the CMS experiment
12.45-13.30 Igor Volobuev (SINP MSU, Russia) Theories with large extra dimensions and their experimental consequences

June 26, 2015

Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:
10.00-10.40 Gabriella Pasztor (Carleton University, Canada) Overview of recent ATLAS results and preparation of Run-2
10.45-11.25 Mateusz Dyndal (CEA-IRFU-SPP/AGH-UST, France/Poland) SM measurements with ATLAS
Coffee break
12.00-13.45 Chair:
12.00-12.45 Evgeny Kryshen(CERN) Overview of recent ALICE results
12.45-13.30 Dmitry Gorbunov(INR RAS, Russia) ShiP experiment at CERN SPS

June 27, 2015

Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:
10.00-10.40 Alexander Chernyaev(MSU, Russia) Nuclear and physical technologies in medicine
10.45-11.25 Martin Sachwitz(DESY, Germany) Status of XFEL project
Coffee break
12.00-13.45 Chair:
12.00-12.40 Štěpán Kunc(Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic) OSQAR experiment
12.45-13.25 Dmitri Melikhov(SINP MSU, Russia) Puzzles in the beauty sector of QCD

June 29, 2015

Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:
10.00-10.40 Stephen Olsen(Institute for Basic Science, South Korea) History of Belle and Some of Its most Important Results
10.45-11.25 Galina Pakhlova (MIPT) Physics Prospects at Belle-II
Coffee break
12.00-13.45 Chair:
12.00-12.40 Alexey Dzyuba(Petersburg NPI, Russia) Recent results from LHCb
12.45-13.25 Davide Meloni(University of Roma Tre, Italy) Recent developments in Neutrino Physics

June 30, 2015

Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:
10.00-10.40 Enrico Tassi(Universita della Calabria and INFN Cosenza, Italy) Measurement of the structure of the proton at HERA
10.45-11.25 Alexander Krutov(SSU, Russia) Estimates of the constituent quark parameters from the data on pion and ρ-meson form factors
Coffee break
12.00-13.45 Chair:
12.00-12.40 Gregory Snow(UNL, USA) Review of the Tevatron results
12.45-13.25 Lev Dudko(SINP MSU, Russia) Top quark pair and associated tW production in the search for anomalous Wtb couplings

July 1, 2015

Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair:
10.00-10.40 Vladimir Saleev (SSU, Russia) QCD at high energy in the parton reggeization approach
10.45-11.25 Igor Lokhtin(SINP MSU, Russia) Phenomenology of multi-particle production in heavy ion collisions at the LHC