Home QFTHEP'2013 Programme June 29, 2013
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June 29, 2013 Print
Plenary Sessions
10-11.25 Chair: W. von Schlippe
10.00-10.40 B. Loehr (DESY) Results from ZEUS at HERA
10.45-11.25 A. Buniatyan (University of Heidelberg) Recent results from the H1 experiment at HERA
Coffee break
12.00-13.45 Chair: W. von Schlippe
12.00-12.40 P. Osland (University of Bergen, Norway) An extended scalar sector
12.45-13.25 I. Balitsky (JLab and ODU) High-energy QCD and Wilson lines

15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Collider physics, Chair: M. Dubinin
15.30 M. Giammarchi (INFN, Milano, Italy) AEGIS at Cern: measuring antihydrogen fall
16.10 K. Sasaki (Yokohama National University,Japan) Higgs production in e and real gamma collision
16.30 V. Bunichev (SINP MSU) Effective Lagrangian analysis of observed Higgs-like boson
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B: Topics in field theory and top physics, Chair: N. Tsirova
15.30 V. Novozhilov (SPb State University) Color solitons in the extended chiral group Eχ
15.50 M. Romano (INFN, Bologna, Italy) Top Physics at ATLAS
16.10 J. Keaveney (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) CMS results on physics of top quarks
16.30 A. Fomin, (SINP MSU) Prospects of a search for the heavy stop quark at LHC
Coffee break
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: QCD and scattering processes, Chair: S. Afonin
17.30 A. Katanaeva (SPb State University) Lagrangian alternative to QCD string
17.50 O.P. Solovtsova (Gomel STU, Belarus) Manifestation of quark-hadron duality via the Adler D-function
18.10 S. Baranov (Lebedev Institute of Physics) Correlations in J/ψ pair production as SPS versus DPS discriminators
18.30 M. Malyshev (SINP MSU) Prompt photon photoproduction at HERA in the kT-factorization approach
18.50 O. Bodnya, D. Derkach, V. Kovalenko, A. Puchkov, G. Feofilov (SPb State University) Multi-pomeron exchange model for pp and ppbar collisions at ultra-high energy