Plenary Sessions
10-11.25 Chair: W. von Schlippe
10.00-10.40 |
B. Loehr (DESY) |
Results from ZEUS at HERA |
10.45-11.25 |
A. Buniatyan (University of Heidelberg) |
Recent results from the H1 experiment at HERA |
Coffee break |
12.00-13.45 Chair: W. von Schlippe
12.00-12.40 |
P. Osland (University of Bergen, Norway) |
An extended scalar sector |
12.45-13.25 |
I. Balitsky (JLab and ODU) |
High-energy QCD and Wilson lines
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Collider physics, Chair: M. Dubinin
15.30 |
M. Giammarchi (INFN, Milano, Italy) |
AEGIS at Cern: measuring antihydrogen fall |
16.10 |
K. Sasaki (Yokohama National University,Japan) |
Higgs production in e and real gamma collision |
16.30 |
V. Bunichev (SINP MSU) |
Effective Lagrangian analysis of observed Higgs-like boson |
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section B: Topics in field theory and top physics, Chair: N. Tsirova
15.30 |
V. Novozhilov (SPb State University) |
Color solitons in the extended chiral group Eχ |
15.50 |
M. Romano (INFN, Bologna, Italy) |
Top Physics at ATLAS |
16.10 |
J. Keaveney (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) |
CMS results on physics of top quarks |
16.30 |
A. Fomin, (SINP MSU) |
Prospects of a search for the heavy stop quark at LHC |
Coffee break |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section A: QCD and scattering processes, Chair: S. Afonin |
17.30 |
A. Katanaeva (SPb State University) |
Lagrangian alternative to QCD string |
17.50 |
O.P. Solovtsova (Gomel STU, Belarus) |
Manifestation of quark-hadron duality via the Adler D-function |
18.10 |
S. Baranov (Lebedev Institute of Physics) |
Correlations in J/ψ pair production as SPS versus DPS discriminators |
18.30 |
M. Malyshev (SINP MSU) |
Prompt photon photoproduction at
HERA in the kT-factorization approach |
18.50 |
O. Bodnya, D. Derkach, V. Kovalenko, A. Puchkov, G. Feofilov (SPb State University) |
Multi-pomeron exchange model for pp and ppbar collisions at ultra-high energy |