Plenary Sessions
10-11.25 Chair: B. Loehr
10.00-10.40 |
G. Wolschin (Heidelberg University) |
Stopping, particle production and Upsilon suppression in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC |
10.45-11.25 |
V. Yazkov (SINP MSU) |
Investigation of atoms, consisting of π+π-, K+π- and π+K- at DIRAC experiment in order to check predictions of QCD at low energies. |
Coffee break |
12-13.45 Chair: B. Loehr
12.00-12.40 |
K. Kato (Kogakuin University, Japan) |
Recent progress of automatic computation in HEP
12.45-13.25 |
M. Dubinin (SINP MSU) |
Status of CompHEP project |
15.30-17.10 Parallel section A: Physics beyond the SM, Chair: I. Ginzburg
15.30 |
B. Stech (University of Heidelberg) |
Phenomenology of SU(3)LxSU(3)RxSU(3)C and the Higgs Boson |
16.10 |
A. Andrianov (SPb State University) |
Universal Landau Pole |
16.30 |
T. Volkova (Samara State University) |
Higgs boson in NMSSM |
16.50 |
S. Zavodov (Samara State University) |
Groebner basis approach applied to Higgs potential extremal properties |
15.30-17.10 Parallel section B: QCD and scattering processes, Chair: N. Zotov
15.30 |
A. Berezhnoy (SINP MSU) |
The observation possibility of Bc excitations at LHC |
15.50 |
V. Kovalenko (SPb State University) |
Monte Carlo model for pp, pA and AA collisions at high energy: parameters tuning and results |
16.10 |
A. Seryakov (SPb State University) |
Geometric properties and charged particles yields behind Glauber model in high energy pA and AA collisions |
16.30 |
E. Andronov (SPb State University) |
The correlation between transverse momentum and multiplicity of charged particles in a two-component model |
16.50 |
V. Vechernin (SPb State University) |
On description of the correlation between multiplicities in windows separated in azimuth and rapidity |
Coffee break |
17.30-19.10 Parallel section A: Physics beyond the SM and gravity theory, Chair: I. Volobuev |
17.30 |
H. Tanyildizi (JINR) |
FCNC Penguin Operators in Models Beyond the SM |
17.50 |
S. Demidov (INR Moscow) |
Implications of sgoldstino-Higgs mixing |
18.10 |
A. Sheykin, D. Grad, S. Paston (SPb State University) |
Embeddings of the Black Holes in a flat space |
18.30 |
E. Rakhmetov, S. Keyzerov (SINP MSU) |
Spherically symmetric solutions in Møller gravity |
18.50 |
I.Ginzburg (Sobolev Institute of Mathematics SB RAS) |
New options in Higgs-Dark physics: strongly interacting dark matter and a degenerate intermediate state in the cooling of the Universe |
17.30 - 19.10 Parallel section B: QCD and exotic states, Chair: A. Berezhnoy |
17.30 |
R. Kolevatov (SPb State University, SUBATECH) |
Reaction-diffusion approach in soft diffraction |
17.50 |
D. Liventsev (KEK, Japan) |
B→τν and related results |
18.10 |
S. Kolevatov (SPb State University) |
Passing the boundary between the parity breaking medium and vacuum by vector particles |