Plenary Sessions
10.00-11.25 Chair: E.Boos
10.00-10.15 |
Welcome |
10.15-11.00 |
I. Nikolic-Audit (LPNHE, France) |
Overview of recent ATLAS results |
11.05 - 11.50 |
I. Tsukerman (ITEP) |
New results on Higgs-like boson from the ATLAS experiment |
Coffee break |
12.10-13.40 Chair: E.Boos
12.10-12.55 |
I. Gorbunov (JINR) |
Highlights of non-SUSY searches for physics beyond the SM from the CMS Detector at the LHC |
12.55-13.40 |
I. Altsybeev (SPb State University) |
Forward-backward multiplicity correlations in pp collisions with ALICE detector
15.30 - 17.10 Parallel section A: Collider physics, Chair: N. Nikitin
15.30 |
E. Oliver Garcia (IFIC, Spain) |
SM measurements at ATLAS |
15.50 |
N. Ilic (University of Toronto, Canada) |
Review of ATLAS Higgs to WW Results with 25fb-1 of Data. |
16.10 |
E. Khramov (JINR) |
SUSY overview at ATLAS |
16.30 |
F. Fassi (IFIC-CSIC-UV, Spain) |
Exotics at ATLAS |
16.50 |
I. Gorbunov (JINR) |
Study of the Drell-Yan process with CMS. |
Coffee break |
17.30-19.10 Parallel section A: QCD and nuclear physics, Chair: V. Andrianov |
17.30 |
N.P. Zotov (SINP MSU) |
New tests for high-energy factorization in Drell-Yan lepton pair production |
17.50 |
M. Braun, A. Tarasov (SPb State University) |
Scattering amplitude and pomeron loops in the perturbative QCD with large Nc |
18.10 |
X. Planells Noguera (University of Barcelona) |
An effective theory for QCD with an axial chemical potential |
18.30 |
D. Melikhov (SINP MSU) |
Accurate bottom quark mass from sum rules for fB and fBs |
18.50 |
K. Gridnev (SPb State University) |
New neutron rich nuclei |
17.30-19.10 Parallel section B: Gravity theory, Chair: I.Volobuev |
17.30 |
S. Vernov (SINP MSU) |
Reconstruction Procedure in Modified Gravity Cosmological Models |
17.50 |
A. Golovnev (SPb State University) |
Hamiltonian analysis of some modified gravity models |
18.10 |
E. Pozdeeva (SINP MSU) |
Heavy-ion collisions in modified AdS spaces |
18.30 |
O. Novikov (SPb State University) |
Gravity effects on the spectrum of scalar states on a thick brane |